“In relation to the environmental world, I have done a lot of physical work.
Alliance for Watershed Education Fellows.
Alliance for Watershed Education Fellows.
“In relation to the environmental world, I have done a lot of physical work.
“I have been interested in environmental justice and conservation for as long as I can remember.
“I have been passionate about sustainability for as long as I can remember, having been raised by a mom who always encouraged me to be
“I recently changed my major to environmental studies. I had started my college career only majoring in art history,
“I’ve been an environmental educator for about a year now at the Schuylkill Center, as well as an environmental artist and activist in my free time.
“We worked with the Boys and Girls Club of Mercer County (BCG) to provide educational programs for children from the Trenton area. This is a partnership dedicated to increasing education on behalf of the Watershed Institute with predominately minority communities that may have never had access to environmental education opportunities. Each week, we visit a…