About - Alliance for Watershed Education of the Delaware River


Explore. Enjoy. Engage. Get to Know your Watershed!

The Alliance for Watershed Education is a regional initiative of twenty-two partnering environmental education centers that is funded and supported by the William Penn Foundation. Each of these centers is located along the Circuit Trail or a major connecting trail, and on waterways throughout the Delaware River Watershed in Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

Our goal is to enable each of our 23 environmental centers to reach more effectively, the passionate people who already participate in excellent educational programs offered by our members. Additionally, the Alliance is striving to provide meaningful opportunities to engage the thousands of outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy the local trails and waterways, and to build a new constituency for protection of clean water among all those living near and visiting the region.

Through joint programming like the annual River Days events, and shared best practices, the centers aim to increase their collective impact within the watershed and its communities.