Can you introduce yourself? Is there anything specific you would like people to know about you and your art? Hello – my name is Cindy Stockton Moore, and I am a Philadelphia based artist. I create site-responsive multimedia work that engages the history, environment and poetic narrative of a landscape–with an emphasis on materiality and…

The Importance of Volunteers | Katie Toner
The first time I visited Bristol Marsh Nature Preserve, I was surprised by its size. After driving through the narrow streets of Bristol Borough, admiring store fronts, I was not expecting the road to open up to a wide expanse of marsh. I parked, and upon leaving the car, was met with the sounds of…
Young environmental Fellows connect communities to Nature
A clean-up campaign along a Philadelphia waterway, Wilmington area youth immersed in the Christina River and wetland ecosystems, and a series of videos highlighting Camden’s trails, rivers and parks, are just a few examples of the inspiring summer projects organized by Delaware River Fellows of the Alliance for Watershed Education. Each of the 13 young…