Blue is Green Campaign - Alliance for Watershed Education of the Delaware River

Blue is Green Campaign

Clean the water, improve your environment.


A watershed is an area of land which drains into a particular body of water. Any water in Wilmington ultimately drains into the Delaware River, making Wilmington a part of the Delaware River Watershed. Everything we do on the land affects the water. Everything that affects the water affects us and our world.



Basically, clean water means a clean environment. Economically, “$450 billion in food and fiber, manufactured goods and tourism depends on clean water and healthy watersheds.” * Personally, the water we drink, food we eat, and recreation we enjoy are all affected by the watershed and its health.

You will always live in a watershed. And that watershed will always be a source of what you put into your body and your surroundings. Care for it: limit the harmful, increase the helpful.



  • Excess fertilizers and pesticides
  • Animal manure
  • Chemicals from cars
  • Road salt and sediment
  • Chemicals from manufacturing
  • Outdated septic systems


  • Pick up trash
  • Limit use of fertilizers and pesticides
  • Make sure paint, grease, or unused medications are not poured down the drain
  • Use commercial car wash rather than washing your car on the street or in your driveway. If washing at home, park your car on the grass.
  • Pick up pet waste
  • Plant native trees and plants
  • Report problems to 311
  • Contact your elected officials and make your voices heard

Use freshwater with care – our supply is not unlimited!



Fall Watershed Cleanup at Beaver Valley Unit of First State NHP

Volunteer Opportunities with The Nature Conservancy

“A Watershed Moment,” The Alliance for Watershed Education

“First State’s Watersheds,” First State National Historical Park

“Our Water,” The Delaware River Watershed Initiative

“Urban Conservation,” The Nature Conservancy


*(19 Jan 2017). The Watershed Approach